SKYPEACE is a video game that was released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2014 and was ported to the Nintendo Switch in 2018. The game was developed by Sonic Powered, an obscure Japanese development studio, at least in the US. The game was also published by its publishing branch. The game costs ninety-nine cents for the 3DS, and Switch. I’m looking at both versions since they are very similar. I must give a warning that this is a biased review because I have played this game before starting to review games.
The game is considered to be a bullet hell, but it’s not really that to me. Bullet hells are meant to be a difficult, rage-inducing type of shooter.SKYPEACE has no shooting, it’s about dodging the enemies, and hazards. The game is a high score based game, and you have to collect coins, and gems to boost your score. At the end of the level, your score gets tallied up, and then you are given a rank based on your score. You can get from C to S Rank. C and B are easy to get, A is harder, and I never got an S rank. That’s the game, in a nutshell, it’s very simple to pick up and play. You just need to use the left joy-con or 3ds’ circle pad to steer the flyer in all 8 directions. You can also use the face buttons, but I don’t recommend doing that. You have a health meter, get hit five times, and it’s game over, but there are shields you can get, that protects you for one additional hit.
What does this game do right? It’s a game that's easy to pick up and play. The ranks can inspire someone to do better, and improve their high score. I’m trying to get A ranks in every stage in the Switch version right now, and have, so far done half of them. The game also has an achievement system for people who like that. The game’s presentation is nice as well. The pixel art is great, and the full anime render of the two main characters, Surf, and Pure, are just adorable. I like the art, but that soundtrack. It's only 4 songs, buy quality over quantity. The music is great, and I wish someone would upload the Switch versions soundtrack to Youtube. Speaking of the Switch version, there's not that much difference from it to the 3DS version. The soundtrack is remixed a bit, and there's a new reset button to instantly restart the level, which is very useful. Other than that, there’s not really much difference.
What are the flaws of SKYPEACE? Well, the biggest problem is that the game is very short. You can play through all ten stages in half an hour. However, the intent of the game is to replay the levels to get a better score. Another problem I can find is with some of the items. You can collect a UFO, a cube, and a flower for an added score, but they just randomly show up. You're not guaranteed to get these in a run, which I don't like. A game about skill shouldn’t have luck elements. That’s about it though.
Is SKYPEACE a great game? Well no, it’s not the best thing ever made, however, it’s ninety-nine cents, and that’s not on sale. If you have extra funds to get rid of or need to buy a game on the cheap, SKYPEACE is not a bad option. This is why I dig through the Switch’s library of cheap games, to find games that are actually good. This is why I review obscurer because I just want to find good games such as SKYPEACE. Never judge a game based on its price, because it could actually be a good cheap game.